Esta compañía en los últimos años había crecido, en el ámbito de la realización de música y cine (obteniendo varios premios a nivel europeo). Pero si ésta Empresa destacaba por algo era por la compra de EFI-X.

Efi-X dispositivo para instalar Mac Os X en PC.
La idea de correr el sistema operativo Mac en una PC no es nueva, cada día surgen nuevas maneras de hacerlo más sencillo.
Como sucede con el EFI-X, un dispositivo que cabe en la palma de tu mano, se conecta al puerto USB interno de tu PC y te permite instalar Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris y Windows fácilmente.
Presentado por la empresa alemana Art Studios Entertainment Media, este dispositivo funciona perfecto para las personas que gustan experimentar con su computadora.
El proceso para instalar Leopard con ayuda del EFI-X es simple. Para empezar, es necesario conectar el dispositivo al puerto USB interno de tu computadora, después meter el DVD del sistema operativo de Apple y listo, inmediatamente comienza a correr.
Eso sí, no cualquier computadora es compatible con este producto. Los requisitos son procesador Intel Core 2 Extreme de cuatro núcleos y una tarjeta madre de Gigabyte, entre otros.
Davide Rutigliano, presidente de Art Studios Entertainment Media, aseguró que con este producto no hay necesidad de preocuparse por parches, y que el Mac OS X que puedes correr en tu PC proporciona integración de aplicaciones, escalabilidad, desempeño, gran capacidad de multitarea y de multiprocesamiento, una interfaz de usuario bella y uniforme, y aplicaciones de espléndida calidad.
El producto diseñado para entusiastas, expertos en computadoras y para todas las personas que disfrutan experimentar con su PC, fue creado en Europa y tuvo un desarrollo de más de dos años.
Disponible desde septiembre del año pasado, el EFI-X tiene un precio de 230 dólares y en México es distribuido por la empresa DITEC.
Completamente legal
Apple ha protagonizado una lucha legal en contra de las compañías que lanzan productos para correr su sistema operativo en una PC, ya que para la empresa de la manzana, Leopard solamente deber ser ejecutado en una Mac.
Ante este escenario, Art Studios Entertainment Media asegura que el modulo EFI-X no tiene nada que ver con el llamado “hackintosh” y que la empresa no apoya la piratería de sistemas operativos, al contrario, promueve la compra de licencias legales de software.
Y es los creadores de este producto aseguran que que no rompen los reglamentos de copyright de Apple ya que el dispositivo llega a manos del consumidor en blanco y el usuario es el encargado de comprar el software aparte.
Rutigliano comentó en un comunicado que es posible que su compañía vaya a los tribunales apoyando a Apple en caso de que se encuentre a alguien vendiendo computadores con el módulo EFI-X instalado.
“Vender una computadora que se pueda inicializar con Mac OS X es un derecho único que solo Apple tiene; y nosotros lo hacemos valer”, aseguró.
– Fuente (jamdm)
ART STUDIOS pretendía revolucionar el género de los videojuegos, con Ancient Gate, un título previsto para 2010 y desarrollado para PC y Mac. De los que atestiguaban marcaban época, cuidando hasta el más mínimo detalle, tanto en su apartado técnico, como argumental y musical. Tanto yo (Joan Morci) como «georgegero85» contactamos con ésta Empresa, dado que lo poco mostrado del juego auguraba un parecido razonable con el universo de Outcast.
Desde la misma nos aseguraron, que ciertamente se habían inspirado en dicho título, pero que por razones legales no podían adoptar los mismos nombres.
Si queréis saber más, tenéis una entrevista con Davide Rutigliano (director ejecutivo de ART STUDIOS).
Recently I was able to review the EFiX Boot Processing Unit for the PC. This innovative device allows any PC to run EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) on a standard Intel machine and run all three flavors of modern OSes – Windows, OS X – Leopard and Linux (pick your favorite distro). During my research, I came in contact with Davide Rutigliano, the CEO or Art Studios Entertainment Media and maker of the EFiX. He was very helpful in explaining the history and functioning of the amazing device.
Davide was kind enough to sit down with Test Freaks and answer some questions about the EFiX BPU and about the future of his company. He addresses some of the more controversial aspects of the EFiX and its relationship with OS X. So without further ado, here is the interview with Davide Rutigliano.
technogog (TF): Tell me little bit about your tech background and about the company – Art Studios Entertainment?
David Rutigliaon (DR): My first computer was a Coleco Adam in 1984 (which is still sitting in my little museum collection!)
I always loved computers and followed their evolution throughout the years. When I met my other family (Art Studios staff) we clicked immediately, on top of the video and music production they were doing, Art Studios was also a very busy prototype studio. That is where everything started!
TF:How long have you been involved with EFiX and Art Studios Entertainment?
DR: As a friend for about a year, and as CEO since August 2008.
TF:You feel that the EFiX boot processor unit has been misrepresented in the press and on many forums, can you tell me what the EFiX chip is about from your company’s perspective?
DR: To be honest it was to be expected that people misunderstood the nature of the product. We live in a world where gossip, joy for someone else’s damage and all lovely feelings like those are very popular and very sought by a lot of journalists and people.
At Art Studios we really believe in EFI-X as a device to bring people together, help with the research and development in all IT worlds, and mostly in the integration of those.
TF: Please tell the reader exactly how the EFI-X works in the boot process, what does it control, how does it interact with the OS
DR: Basically EFI-X has a powerful custom processor that bypasses most of the BIOS functions of a motherboard, and replaces them with EFI code. OS implementations are endless. We have a couple of experimental implementations of EFI in the lab right now, so I wouldn’t want to boast what we don’t have at hand yet as a final thing. EFI can interact very deeply with the OS about driver and filesystem management.
TF: Is this the same EFI as spec’ed by Intel or is it modified?
DR: We added some va-va-voom to the standard EFI and UEFI code, we even named it AEFI (Artstudios Extensible Firmware interface) mostly to obtain a more complex graphical interface management than the standard one.
TF: Is there any additional code besides the EFI at the boot stage?
DR: There doesn’t need to be, as the EFI environment is very flexible and very open to all sort of enhancements.
TF: How does the EFiX handle drivers?
DR: In a very different way than an OS does that. Basically where we want to get is to have our BPU to “understand” perfectly on its own what you have onboard and integrate all the hardware with the best possible performances on any EFI capable OS.
TF: What is your company’s stance on the linking of the EFiX BPU to the Hackintosh/OSX86 world?
DR: Although I don’t have any personal grudge towards them, linking us to them is not correct. Our approach is entirely different, and contrarily to them all our code and development is our own only, and we don’t hack anything at all. What we have (even our bugs! :) ) has been created only for us.
TF: One of the great features of the EFiX is the ability to upgrade the firmware and add new and exciting features, what can we expect to see in the near future in terms of upgrades?
DR: First of all, we are to eliminate the bugs. Then we have a very long list of new features, ranging from interchangeable boot graphics to a much better integrated filesystem integration in the pipeline.
TF: What is the roadmap for the EFiX chip and for the company as a whole?
DR: We are planning to get EFI-X better known in 2009. A lot of people don’t know, or worse, still misunderstand us, and I will do all I can to amend that. We have some new products waiting to be released, but I would rather like to concentrate onto maximising EFI-X performances and marketing right now. After that, all our workflow can be much better.
TF: Does Art Studio Entertainment have any new and exciting products coming down the road that you can let our readers in on?
DR: Ancient Gate is our game colossal being coded at the moment, sporting a breathtaking 3D engine and a very interesting story. Hopefully will be ready by 2010. Then we also have some more exciting future implementations of EFI-X (not for laptops) which we will release around the end of next summer.
Shortly after this interview, Davide informed us that the US distributor for the EFiX device has changed. This was due in part to the earlier short lived announcement and retraction by EFIX USA LLC that they were going to sell PCs with OS X preinstalled using the EFiX technology named the Millenium project. This was a violation of the terms of use by EFIX USA.
As of Jan 19, 2009, Art Studios Entertainment Media have decided to cease any trade with EFIX USA. Our new reseller in USA is
A nice bonus is the new vendor is actually selling the EFiX for $30 less than their predecessor at a low price of $169.
Once, again Test Freaks would like to thank Davide Rutigliano and Art Studios Entertainment Media with spending some time with us and our readers.
Editor’s Note:
We received this email after the interview concerning EFIX USA and Art Studios Entertainment Media:
I thought you might be interested in this news. We at Art Studios Entertainment Media have decided to cease any trade with EFIX USA LLC for all the messup they made back in December. Our new reseller in USA is and it seems like they want to keep a nice, stable and low price of $169. We also kept one of the people of EFIX USA LLC that actually had no part in the messup of December.
– Fuente (technogog)
Actualmente (principios 2020) la web de la compañía ART STUDIOS ya no existe mientras que la web del videojuego Ancient Gate sí.